Here is the gang on Christmas Day. We're missing one due to the flu. It was drizzling and we were cold, but my Mother (Great-Grandma) requested the photo, so here we are.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Christmas 2008. Here is our front yard and one of the trees inside.
Friday, November 28, 2008
My two sons, Danny & Joey. Taken Thanksgivign Day.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Today is Thanksgiving. Instead of getting dressed for the guests, I've been working on Hair Bows. This is a Christmas present for my friends daughters. The hair bows are for Camilla who will soon turn three years old. The hat is for her little sister, Giselle who is eight months old.
After a lot of trials and errors, Celyn is ready for Christmas.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Well, I'm making a little progress on Celyn. I didn't read the instruction right and only made 1/2 of a skirt. I have a face I can live with, but it needs some more work. I still need to finish the upper sleeves and make the under sleeves. My husband said she looks like an alien. Without hair....he may be right.
Monday, November 3, 2008
I started a new doll yesterday. Her name is Celyn by Sherry Goshen. It is a Christmas girl. Her name means "Holly".
I made an angel costume for Malisa. She loved it and won 1st place in the costume contest.
Alec, Alexander, Anthony & Ayden
Anthony the "dead" skatboarder.
Halloween is over for another year. Here are some of my goulies and goblen.s
Friday, October 31, 2008
The third item recently finished is a doll for the Technicolor doll group challenge. We had to use a stump doll pattern by Kat Lees. We had to use the colors purple and gold and were allowed one other color. I chose green. She won 1st place in the Advanced catagory and 1st place in best over all. Thanks to all who voted for her. By the way, her name is Gloria because she looks just like my neighbor, Gloria.
The next project is a doll for Mary Tressler's auction for CIFI. Pattern is by Mary.
Just finished a few projects. One is for a Day of the Dead challenge by Sherry Goshen.
I am married and live in Ontario, California with my husband, Grandson Anthony, two Dachshunds, Buster & Jazzy, and one very large goldfish named Flippy. I've been doing crafts most of my life and started making cloth dolls about 5 years ago. I've worked at the same job in Los Angeles for 32 years and will retire at the end of 2008.